A Scattering of March
A scattering of March social media posts for the convenience and amusement of visitors to my humble blog.

March 10, 2020
I’ve never cared for the practice of screwing with the clocks twice a year. In spring it feels like a violation of the natural order. In fall it feels like fixing the damage, albeit temporarily.
And yet, isn’t there a sense of profound Mystery in these rhythms, this universal agreement to shift the way we count the hours solely to make the sun yield light at our convenience?
I understand it isn’t good science to arbitrarily change measurements in order to get a desired outcome. But maybe it’s workable poetry?
The King’s Glory begins out of time. Llewelyn doesn’t know how much time has passed during his trial in the North Country, or how he’s going to survive when he returns to the world. Change the measurements. Life and death are now workable poetry.
The Enemy Glory trilogy is available from Amazon.

Photo credit: Harald Pliessnig via Unsplash.com
March 13, 2020
Something in Harald Pliessnig’s photo, taken somewhere in Northern Europe, feels like early March in New England.
I love early March like I love rough drafts. Because March is a rough draft, existing in the midst of inspiration and realization. Just before spring pounces with its burst of green and flowers, the earth and woods go quiet, as if they’ve reached a resting point before once again engaging in the business of life.
It’s a contemplative time. A bookish time. It’s seasonless and out of time, nursing itself between the worlds, like it just fell out of the calendar and doesn’t yet have a name.

March 14, 2020
March 14 is National Write Your Story Day. A day that suffers in undeserved obscurity. Not because all of us have the desire to write down our stories; but because all of us are stories that keep telling themselves, whether we will or no. It’s good to honor this once in awhile. The world emerges like a living shadow from the way we create and know ourselves through the stories we tell.
In Enemy Glory (Book One) and in Hecate’s Glory (Book Two), Llewelyn tells his story, at sword point, to his former friend and current enemy, Walworth. Walworth must listen to and write down every word, for the law requires him to pass judgment on Llewelyn’s acts of treason and murder. But by setting down Llewelyn’s story, Walworth is helplessly writing his own, for Llewelyn’s tale reveals the previously hidden consequences of Walworth’s actions.
In The King’s Glory (Book 3), Llewelyn speaks directly to us. He’s telling a new story, one that has the power to save the world or earn him eternal damnation. Most likely, the latter. But as with all things that matter, so much depends upon the telling of the tale. And on the tale depends the heart’s judgment on the gods.
The Enemy Glory trilogy is available from Amazon.

March 20, 2020
Ostara. Renewal.
Wouldn’t it be a perfect spring if everyone just stayed home, played music, played with animals, played music to animals, learned a new language, read books, wrote books, made outrageously cool art, had midnight tea with the spring stars, balanced green and gold eggs on the Equinox and ate them with mint, danced, planted a garden, created scandalous meals, and maybe . . . spent a few weeks or months getting reacquainted with themselves?
What would happen if we got through the plague by experiencing how to live fully human lives again? And how to be fully human with each other again? We might decide that it suits us so well that we’re going to stay home and keep doing it. We might even keep doing it in public, and at work. It might become corporate America’s worst nightmare.
People have taken refuge in storytelling from plagues ever since Boccaccio wrote the Decameron.
The Enemy Glory trilogy is available from Amazon.
You are reading a post from Matter Notes, Karen Michalson’s blog on creativity as spirituality and the war on the humanities. Her most recent novel, The Maenad’s God, is available on Amazon.
Subscribe to her mailing list (bottom of page) and receive a free copy of Enemy Glory (Book One), the first book of her Enemy Glory trilogy.