Matter Notes:

Karen Michalson
Tom Godfrey Photography

Matter Notes: A lawyer's private notes on a legal matter; considered inviolate and non-disclosable. By metaphor and game, my occasional blog posts on the war on the humanities and other cultural atrocities; with frequent diversions into creative matters.

In both cases, a form of work product. Scribere est agere.


Hey, Karen – whatever happened to Point Of Ares?

This is kind of cool.  It’s also kind of uncool humblebraggy stuff.  I know that.  I don’t care, but I thought I’d give those who object to that sort of thing an opportunity to stop reading.  I’m fair like that. This week I learned that Point Of Ares is still getting airplay, or rather, Internet […]


Easter Morning

Girl grasped light in her wounded palms and blackened eyes. Sun rained like coins on an open cross through the stained saint in the window. She’s learning to lean on the sun’s secret colors,to wash her feet in the invisible placesthat no one can pierce. Somewhere, years from now,in another life,she’ll gird herself with better […]


What Was the First English Word?

I’m feeling liminal and whimsical.  Not an obvious pairing.  Unless you feel like teasing out the thread of hardened whimsy that marks most borders.  Anyway, here’s what keeps coming.  (And this time it’s not a surreal Dutch image.  By the way, nobody’s claimed it, but that one appears to have returned to wherever it came […]


Why We Read Strangers

Elizabeth Gumport knows her stuff.  That’s obvious from her piece in n + 1, “Against Reviews.” But that’s not why I printed a copy (yes, I am a Luddite) and carried it around to think about.  It’s because Gumport asks a brilliant and necessary question.  Why must we read strangers?  I seriously love this question […]